If you have ever been on home search sites in the past you have probably learned that they are lead generation sites and sell your information to several different realtors and mortgage officers. After your home search you have the hassle of the phone calls that follow. Meanwhile all you wanted was to look at a few homes on the web before you decided to buy or sell your home.


Well I have a solution for you. I have the same data base available through my website to search for homes as the other online home search sites. Best of all it’s free for you to use and I will not sell your information. The best part if you are looking to buy a home or have questions I’m just a phone call away.


If you are looking for homes for sale, then take a look at the free tools that my site offers by following the link below. If you see a home you like and would like to see it in person then please let me know. I hope you find what you are looking for. 

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